Soy lecithin

Soy lecithin is considered a very important dietary supplement due to its nutritional characteristics.
In addition to contributing good fats, it provides vitamins from group B, vitamin E, phosphorus, choline and inositol.

Studies show that the main function of soy lecithin is to emulsify fats, dispersing them into small particles and making it possible to transport them in an aqueous liquid, such as blood, thus preventing them from being deposited in veins and arteries.
• In the digestive system, it facilitates food assimilation by emulsifying the fats found in food.
• The enzyme lecithinase produces the release of choline from the lecithin structure, which has the property of preventing the accumulation of fats in the liver.
• It is useful in preventing the onset of arteriosclerotic conditions, that is, the narrowing and hardening of the arteries due to fatty deposits, particularly cholesterol.
• Promotes a healthy heart and healthy arteries.
• Improves brain function and memory due to the contribution of organic phosphorus, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine.
• Helps to normalize cholesterol levels.
• Promotes digestion in people with liver problems or those who have undergone gallbladder surgery.
Contribution to intake 2 cápsulas
Lecitina de soja
2400 mg

Nutritional Information

Serving: 2 capsules. Energy value: 25 Kcal = 105 Kj (1%DV*); Proteins; 0.9g (1%DV); Total Fat: 2.4 g (4%DV); Saturated fat: 0.4 g; Monounsaturated fat: 0.3 g; Polyunsaturated fat: 1.1 g. This product does not provide significant amounts of carbohydrates, trans fat, dietary fiber or sodium.
*% Daily Values based on a 2000 Kcal diet or 8400 Kj. Daily values may be higher or lower depending on individual energy needs.


60 capsules
30 capsules

Recommended intake

Adults and pregnant women: 1 capsule before lunch and 1 capsule before dinner. 


Not to be taken by children. Not to be taken by people allergic to soy lecithin. If you are taking thyroid hormones, there should be a time gap before taking the soy lecithin capsules. In doses higher than recommended, this product may cause mild nausea, decreased appetite, and vomiting.

Biographic reference
› Cala Calviño L., Sánchez Hechavarria M. E. y García Torres D. S., Facultad de Medicina N° 1, Univ. de Cs. Médicas, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Aspectos farmacológicos de la lecitina de soja y sus posibles aplicaciones médicas. MEDISAN Vol.21 N°1, Santiago de Cuba, Ene. (2017).
› Mourad Am., De Carvalho Pincinato E., Mazzola Pg., Sabha M., Moriel P. Influencia de la administración de lecitina de soja en la hipercolesterolemia. Cholesterol. (2010). 2010:824813. Disponible en: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21490917.
› Texeira S.R., Potter S.M., Weigel L., Hannum S., Erdman J.W., Hasler C.M. Efectos de la alimentación de 4 tipos de proteína de soja durante 3 y 6 semanas sobre los lípidos sanguíneos y las apolipoproteínas en hombres con hipercolesterolemia moderada. A. J. Clin. Nutr. (2000), 71:1077-84. 
› Nagata C., Takatsuka N., Kurisu Y., Shimizu H. La disminución de la concentración sérica de colesterol total se asocia con una alta ingesta de productos de soja en hombres y mujeres japoneses. J. Nutr. (1998), 128:209-13. 
› Torres García J., Durán Agüero S. Fosfolípidos: propiedades y efectos sobre la salud. Nutrición Hospitalaria. (2015) 31(1). Disponible en: http://www.aulamedica.es/gdcr/index.php/nh/article/view/7961
› Moré Mi., Freitas U., Rutenberg D. Efectos positivos de la fosfatidilserina derivada de la lecitina de soja más el ácido fosfatídico en la memoria, la función cognitiva, el desempeño diario y el estado de ánimo en pacientes ancianos con enfermedad de Alzheimer y demencia. Adv Ther. (2014) Dec; 31(12):1247-62. Disponible en: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25414047
› Kato-Kataoka A., Sakai M., Ebina R., Nonaka C., Asano T., MiyaMori T. La fosfatidilserina derivada de la soja mejora la función de la memoria de los sujetos japoneses ancianos con problemas de memoria. J. Clin Biochem Nutr. (2010) Nov; 47(3):246-55. Disponible en: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21103034

Active compounds


Soy lecithin is considered to be a dietary supplement of great importance due to its nutritional characteristics. In addition to providing good fats, soybean lecithin provides vitamins B and E, phosphorus, choline and inositol. Studies show that the main function of soy lecithin is to emulsify fats by dispersing them in small particles, making possible their transport in an aqueous liquid, such as blood, and thus preventing them from being deposited in veins and arteries.




Water represents about 70% of our body. It is an essential element for the normal development of all physiological processes, such as digestion in the absorption and elimination of metabolic wastes, and for the functioning of the circulatory system since water is part of our blood.

Fruit and vegetables

The World Health Organization has established the need to eat fruit and vegetables every day since they contain the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary to protect our health and prevent diseases. Two vegetable dishes and three pieces of fruit a day are recommended.


The World Health Organization recommends reducing our salt intake to prevent the risk of hypertension, which is one of the main risk factors for heart disease. Eliminating the salt shaker from the table, cooking with less salt and reducing the consumption of canned food is a good way to achieve this goal.


Consumption of dietary fiber, which can be found mainly in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, prevents constipation. Fiber also provides other health benefits, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and reducing the risk of diabetes.


Food supplements are products specially designed to supplement the incorporation of nutrients when it is not possible to follow an ideal diet; this could be due to a particular physiological condition requiring the extra contribution of a nutrient.

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